Breaking Point (1975)
aka Breaking Point - Pornografisk thriller
Genre: Adult | Horror | Thriller | Weird
Country: Sweden |Director: Bo Arne Vibenius
Language: English | Subtitles: Swedish (Hardcoded)
Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 |Length: 86mn Uncut
Vhsrip Xvid Avi - 672x512 - 25fps - 1.37gb
Anton Rothschild plays a sick office clerk who (1) beats a woman to death with an ashtray and then has sex with her corpse; (2) follows a woman to her isolated country home (on work time, no less) and rapes her; (3) rapes another woman (again on work time)who dares to fight back, so he kills her in a flaming car crash; (4) urinates into a cup of coffee and serves it to his oversexed female co-worker; (5) picks up a hitchhiking whore who promptly strips and masturbates herself in the passenger seat; Rothschild promptly inserts his fingers and thumb into her and rubs the scent behind his ears. The whore then humps the car's gear shift and the two later have a slow-motion orgasm scene that must been seen; and the list goes on.
"Breaking Point" is a truly demented porno thriller made by Bo Arne Vibenius of "Thriller: A Cruel Picture" fame. Andreas Bellis plays a rapist murderer who runs amok. He stalks women, follows them home, then rapes and kills them. He also plays with his toy trains and suffers from sexual nightmares. It seems that Vibenius has taken obvious pains to create attractive art-house shot compositions, including some amazing dreamlike sequences; an achievement made all the more impressive considering the film's threadbare sets and obvious low budget. Still "Breaking Point" is a grim and bleak film that offers plenty of hard core sex and perversity. Unfortunately the action sequences near the end are poorly staged. However if you are a fan of depraved exploitation cinema give this one a look.
Breaking Point (1975)