I'll Forgive You, Before I Kill You (1970)
aka La diligencia de los condenados
aka Prima ti perdono... poi t'ammazzo
Genre: Western
Country: Spain | Italy | Director: Juan Bosch
Language: English or italian (2 separate audio tracks) | Subtitles: None
Aspect ratio: Widescreen 1.85:1 | Length: 85mn
Dvdrip Xvid Avi - 720x432 - 25fps - 1.50gb
A violent tale featuring Harrison as a man out for revenge for the death of his father. He decides to team up with Sancho, a notorious but friendly killer. The local land baron is their target and when he catches wind of what's going on he hires Sabata to protect him.
I'll Forgive You, Before I Kill You (1970)