French Quarter (1978)
Genre: Drama | Erotic
Country: USA | Director: Dennis Kane
Language: English | Subtitles: None
Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 | Length: 99mn
Dvdrip Xvid Avi - 640x480 - 29.970fps - 917mb
Chronicles the life of a young New Orleans prostitute and her co-workers.
The basic story concerns a young woman (Fontaine) who comes to the French Quarter, badly in need of work and ends up dreaming that she is back in another century, or is she in fact an 19th century woman dreaming that she is in the future? The other characters around Fontaine are played by the same actors from the contemporary story. The sets, costumes and ambiance are incredibly detailed (it was shot on location).
It features a lot of sex and nudity but at the same time, there is far more plot than usual. In fact, it may take more than one viewing to fully notice, understand and appreciate the nuances. It must have surprised drive-in audiences of the 70s who were probably expecting something far more basic. The actors are reasonably good and the dual storyline is well handled. Some of the scenes may have bordered on an X-rating back when it first came out. Star Bruce Davison did quite well for himself and is still active in Hollywood but most of the rest of the cast did little else after this film. It occasionally shows on late night cable and is worth the wait. An added plus is the jazz score as well as the very offbeat narration.
French Quarter (1978)