Street Warriors II (1979)
aka Perros callejeros II: Busca y captura
Genre: Crime | Drama
Country: Spain |Director: Jose Antonio de la Loma
Language: English or Spanish (2 separate audio tracks) |Subtitles: None
Aspect ratio: 1.37:1 |Length: 97mn
Dvdrip H264 Mkv - 688x512 - 25fps - 2.05gb
This one, rather than the first part concentrates more on the dramatic side of whats behind the delinquents life.Poverty,misery and discrimination can be watched together with prostitution and life behind steel bars.This film is brutal,and has a very explicit look on this reality that society ignores.Like the first its based on a true story. The sound track is great for those who like Rumba, especially the end credits song called `Soy un Perro Callejero`.
Street Warriors II (1979)