Take My Body (1984)
aka Je t'offre mon Corps
Genre: Adult
Country: France | Director: Michel Lemoine
Language: English Dub | Subtitles: None
Aspect ratio: Widescreen 1.66:1 | Length: 93mn
Vhsrip Xvid Avi - 720x480 - 29.970fps - 741mb
Russian spy Natacha (Olinka) is sent to Lyon by her surly superior (John Oury, who had co-starred with his leading lady before in Joe De Palmer's idiosyncratic MELODIE POUR MANUELLA) to retrieve mysterious blueprints that would enable air traffic to double.
The engineer responsible, Bertrand (played by the star's frequent partner Gabriel Pontello), has hidden these invaluable plans behind a painting in the apartment of his semi-serious girlfriend Gaby (the sophisticated Cathy Menard in yet another role unworthy of her considerable talents), presumably because a bank vault would make entirely too much sense !
Natacha stages a hilariously unconvincing accident to make Bertrand's acquaintance and, since this is porno, winds up spread-eagled on his couch within minutes. Gaby soon joins the festivities while not exactly super-spy Natacha ransacks the place in search of the documents with absolutely no one taking notice ! Her attempts are thwarted by another amorous agent, Daniel from counter-espionage (superhunk Eric Dray a/k/a "Eric Saville" who burst onto the scene in Jean-Claude Marchetti's underrated LA PROF ENSEIGNE SANS PRESERVATIF), who became smitten after being boinked by the ravishing Russian on the night train at film's start. Anything to avoid the boredom of those long train trips, huh ?
Take My Body (1984)