Two Thousand Maniacs! (1964)
Genre: Horror
Country: USA | Director: Herschell Gordon Lewis
Language: English | Subtitles: None
Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 | Length: 83mn
Dvdrip H264 Mkv - 720x550 - 25fps - 1.46gb
Language: English | Subtitles: None
Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 | Length: 83mn
Dvdrip H264 Mkv - 720x550 - 25fps - 1.46gb
The citizens of the southern town Pleasant Valley lure six Yankee tourists into town where they are to be the reluctant guests for the centennial celebration of the day a band of renegade Union troops decimated the town. The town then participates in events, a different event for each of the tourists, in which the tourist is dispatched. One couple begins to suspect something and seeks a way to escape.
TWO THOUSAND MANIACS is HG Lewis' best film, or most complete film. Unlike so many of Lewis' films, TTM actually has characters, you either care for or dislike. There's some suspense. There's actually a beginning, a middle and an end to it. The story's concept is brilliant and inspired, even if its execution is a tad lacking. And the violence is actually disturbing and important to the story. There are the usual HG Lewis touches in TTM, like bad acting and static film-making but the whole product is so well made that, in the end, the typically HG Lewis weaknesses don't harm the film.
Two Thousand Maniacs! (1964)