aka Snuff killer - La morte in diretta
Genre: Thriller |8MM Rip-off
Country: Italy |Director: Bruno Mattei
Language: English |Subtitles: None
Aspect ratio: Widescreen 1.85:1 |Length: 87mnDvdrip H264 Mkv - 704x400 - 23.976fps - 1.44gb
When Lauren disappears from a night club and doesn't return home the next morning, her mother, Michelle, to avoid publicity and a scandal, decides to search for her missing daughter. Michelle soon discovers that her daughter might have been part of a pornographic snuff ring that lures young girls to make their money. Fearing for Lauren's safety, Michelle hires the help of a store employee to find her daughter. But finding Lauren soon becomes an impossible task as no one really cares about missing girls or a mother's lover for her baby. In order to find her daughter, Michelle must enter into the darkest and most shocking areas of the industry. Michelle will go anywhere and do anything to find her baby girl. . . How far will you go?
There's no denying there's something remarkably entertaining about watching Bruno Mattei's SNUFF TRAP, and entertaining in all the wrong reasons. Mattei essentially reworks Joel Schumacher's 8MM, though with only a few differences, mainly being its a female character who ventures into the sleazy world of the porn underground looking for her kidnapped daughter who or may not have fallen victim to a snuff film. Though with a decidedly different change in certain scenes and a shorter running time, a lot of the film consists of scenes almost similar and in one case exactly the same as 8MM. Even dialogue from 8MM is used in certain speeches, exact dialogue. Mattei's version is a lot more sleazier and explicit, and comes off as one part lurid thriller, soft porn flick and European travel monologue (I lost count the amount of scene where our heroine is just walking around European city's). It also has a happier and anti climatic ending, which I'm certain features footage lifted from another film. If you want to watch a film that provides cheesy, 'so bad its good entertainment' then Mattei is your man, and this along with his other 'masterpieces' such as RATS: NIGHT OF TERROR, THE OTHER HELL and ZOMBI 3, would make great late night beer and pizza entertainment.
There's no denying there's something remarkably entertaining about watching Bruno Mattei's SNUFF TRAP, and entertaining in all the wrong reasons. Mattei essentially reworks Joel Schumacher's 8MM, though with only a few differences, mainly being its a female character who ventures into the sleazy world of the porn underground looking for her kidnapped daughter who or may not have fallen victim to a snuff film. Though with a decidedly different change in certain scenes and a shorter running time, a lot of the film consists of scenes almost similar and in one case exactly the same as 8MM. Even dialogue from 8MM is used in certain speeches, exact dialogue. Mattei's version is a lot more sleazier and explicit, and comes off as one part lurid thriller, soft porn flick and European travel monologue (I lost count the amount of scene where our heroine is just walking around European city's). It also has a happier and anti climatic ending, which I'm certain features footage lifted from another film. If you want to watch a film that provides cheesy, 'so bad its good entertainment' then Mattei is your man, and this along with his other 'masterpieces' such as RATS: NIGHT OF TERROR, THE OTHER HELL and ZOMBI 3, would make great late night beer and pizza entertainment.