Voodoo Sexy (1975)
aka Il Pavone Nero aka The Black Peacock
Genre: Adventure | Adult
Country: Italy | Director: Osvaldo Civirani
Language: Italian | Subtitles: English (.srt file)
Aspect ratio: Widescreen 1.66:1 | Length: 88mn
Vhsrip Xvid Avi - 592x352 - 25fps - 698mb
"This film seems to be one of the exploitation-world's hidden secrets, which very few fans seem to know about. After seeing more and more of Osvaldo Civirani's films, I am impressed by the amount of professional skill he possessed, especially in this one, when, as a cinematic man with roots in the classical cinema, he could very well have risked his career by going too far. Throughout the film, he skirts the borders of censorship, creating a very worthy exploitation piece, which reminds me somewhat of the Caribbean films made by Joe D'Amato a few years later. The secret to judging the value of this film as a "good film" lies in the very fact that Civirani flirts with our senses, taking us to the very threshold of "acceptability" and then subtly drawing us back into the light of the day. Unfortunately, this film is very difficult to find in good quality, even Italian sources being multi-generational. With the progress of time and research into these films, hopefully something better will show up. "
Voodoo Sexy (1975)